Monday, July 23, 2018

Chapter Five - Routine and Worry

The Mushroom Cloud Chronicles - Tania's Story
A JAG-Sims3 Story

Author: Haruo Chikamori
Rating: M
Classification: Angst, Romance.
Spoilers: N/A

Summary: Continuity of Government (COG) – a stark term for starting over after a holocaust the likes of which is hoped will never ever happen. This is a what-could-happen if the button was ever pressed.

DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.

Chapter Five - Routine and Worry

Oh, yes, another wonderful morning in Nightmare City; I presume you note my dripping sarcasm. The pink sky woke us up at 0500hrs. No sense sleeping in since I had a lot to do. Same with Matt. I think he said something about dumpster diving.

The apples were looking very nice and I weeded and watered them after I had my early morning breakfast. Can't work on an empty stomach. Matt I'm sure didn't have a good morning at all considering his morning and part of the afternoon was spent upended headfirst into a pile of garbage. I can't imagine the smells that he's found opening the dumpster and inhaling a big whiff as he's rooting around for stuff.

By the time I finished my apple-picking, I ended up feeling so gritty and disgusting, I took a shower. No modesty here. After the war, there's no such thing as modesty. I peeled off everything and ducked under the warm jets of water. Thank goodness we still have running water here or we'd be really ripe. Anyhow, Matt would probably do the same when he got back. Of course it started raining just before he got back and well, he did shower because I heard the water running.

That night the darned kitchen sink broke again and Matt had to fix it and the next day was more of the same dumpster effluent inhaling.

Pretty much our days were broken up into me taking care of the apple trees and Matt scrounging around for furniture to outfit out our home. And frankly, there were no laws here. We pretty much were on our government, no rules to abide by except our own moral conduct and that was slipping pretty darned fast as we raided the other homes that were abandoned and took what was left for our own. But that was the way of life out here.

...and then the fog picked up...and it sent chills down my spine. I was alone at this abandoned property while Matt was out scrounging and even with the wire fence, I felt exposed and vulnerable, I clutched my M4 even tighter making sure that the mags that I had were with me, the reassuring touch of metal against my hand as I checked my pockets with my left hand; my free hand gave me comfort, that I had something with which I could defend myself. However the thoughts of something warped by the radiation and melded into something horrific kept assailing my imagination with dogged persistence. I just hoped that Matt didn't run into any misfortune and that he would hurry back.

...and so I fished. As the peach sky darkened to a lavender hue, slowly the creeping darkness enveloped me as I shivered, more in fear than in actual cold. The sound of the gate opening caused me to hold my M4 even tighter. And it was a welcome sense of relief as I saw Matt's tired face peering around the corner, "Don't shoot, it's just me..."

He did the last few chores that needed doing around the property and we figured that it was time to pack it in.

It was time to let the darkness play while we were safe inside, relatively speaking.

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