Friday, July 27, 2018

Chapter Nine - Winter Comes to Nightmare City

The Mushroom Cloud Chronicles - Tania's Story
A JAG-Sims3 Story

Author: Haruo Chikamori
Rating: M
Classification: Angst, Romance.
Spoilers: N/A

Summary: Continuity of Government (COG) – a stark term for starting over after a holocaust the likes of which is hoped will never ever happen. This is a what-could-happen if the button was ever pressed.

DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.

Chapter Nine - Winter Comes to Nightmare City

Knowing that we were together in this hellhole was both a curse and a blessing. A curse because we always needed to keep our wits about us when we went topside to milk the cows and tend the last of the apples from the trees before they went dormant for the winter. If any person approached too close to the fence-line we kept them covered with our M4s which were always on our persons. Making sure that the compound was safe was our job and we needed to be certain of the fact that anyone that approached was a friendly.

And it seemed as though the taboo of unwed relations was off the table since after that wonderful little bit of you-know-what in the shower, Matt couldn't keep his hands off me. And well...I figured...we're in a nightmare situation stuck in a town that harbors all sorts of things that could potentially do us in; might as well make the best of it. And of course, the fact that Matt was good-looking was a major plus too.

Of course any of his touches always ended up with us...well...let's just say that he was extremely skilled and I'm not going to ask where he got that skill-set from. We weren't really an item before-hand and I never laid claim to him prior to now. But any woman that wants him now is going to have to contend with me. Dad would have been scandalized. But I'm sure he would have gotten used to it.

We had way too many things to do to stay in bed all with the rosy dying light of the day, we headed top-side to do some fishing to see if we could catch some trout. Of course we could see the edges of the pond frozen even though the center was thawed. Unfortunately that meant that the pond was going to freeze completely solid in the next few days. So we extended our fishing until the dusk; always watching out of the corner of our eye to make sure that no-one seedy approached.

When we woke up the next morning, we could hear the howling above our bunker and there was a chill in the air that we hadn't felt for a while. Matt and I looked at each other and knew that Jack Frost had laid his icy hand over Nightmare City covering the ground in winter's icy blanket leeching all the warmth out of the ground. We knew instinctively that we had to bundle up going topside.

Winter had come to Nightmare City and the town lay in snowy drifts. At least it took away a lot of the smoke that had been covering the ground but the fog lingered. And the snow made for an interesting tableau amidst the ruins and rundown buildings that dotted the landscape. If we had been hardier we would have assembled an army and cleared out the criminals and rebuilt this town but our only goal for right now was to get out of this town, hopefully by fall of next year.

Call me crazy, but I'm hearing a little bit of a ticking going on...and I don't have a wall-clock. I'm looking at Matt as a wife looks at her husband. And my mind is going into "family" mode. But we need to get out of this place before any of that comes into fruition.

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